Onomastics in Interaction With Other Branches of Science. Volume 1.

Between Localism and Nationalism: The Romanization of Canton (Guangzhou, China)

Junkai Li
Tianjin University
Université de Lorraine

Yiying Ouyang
Guangzhou Vocational School of Tourism & Business


This paper presents the different ways of romanization and divergent ideologies in the toponymy of the city of Canton (Guangzhou, China). The Portuguese named the city Cantão, which was transliterated as Canton in French and English and then into other European languages in an identical way. Later, attempts to standardise romanization emerged in China. With the rise of nationalism and the diffusion of Mandarin, romanizations based on the pronunciation of the national language were later developed. Since the introduction of the pinyin system by the government, the name Guangzhou was legitimized as the only official transcription. However, there is complexity underpinning the linguistic practices and ideologies of the different romanizations of this city. From local identity to national authority, Canton or Guangzhou serve as a representation of a trial of strength in terms of divergent cultural and socio-political values.

Keywords romanization, Canton, Guangzhou, localism, nationalism

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