Book cover Za fasadą społeczności

Za fasadą społeczności

Elementy zarządzania nowymi mediami

Pages: 184 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2015 Publication date: 19.05.2015

Book description

Behind the facade of society Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Huffington Post and many more. It is behind the new media “social façade” of equality, partnership, communities and group knowledge, in the aura of creativity and experience where the media corporations administer the largest network factory of the world. Internet users are efficient and creative there, they learn and buy equipment of work by themselves: smartphones, computers, applications. They co-create the media themselves: they fix computer games, record digital music, write articles and emails… They share them with others, they all create the market value. There are already three billions of them in the network, “new, great world” and this number is constantly increasing. Never have so many worked so unknowingly and with such enthusiasm for so few. Usually for free. Nowadays, administering their activity is the greatest challenge for the media organizations. The new, dominating modern media corporations and the old, which are forced to rely on pirate activities and companies going “stowaways” in order to find effective business models. In the environment of “liquid reality” and “suspended law”, newspaper publishers and television broadcasters still deliver what is most precious in the media, that is the unique products: information, films, games, recommendations. In the Web 2.0 the Internet users have fun, inform and teach. However, they also create market values but at the same time, consciously and unconsciously, they get rid of the fruits of their labor. In the Web 2.0, Culture 2.0 arises but it is also accompanied by Work 2.0 of the prosumers and precariats.
Language Polish
Title in English Behind the facade of the community : elements of the new media management
Edition first
Authors Jan Kreft
ISBN: 978-83-233-3906-9
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-9244-6


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